نوع المستند : علمية بحثية
1 طالب دکتوراه،قسم القرآن و علم النفس، جامعة المصطفی’ العالمیة، قم، ايران
2 أستاذ مشارک، قسم علم النفس التربوي ، مجمع التعليم العالي للعلوم الإنسانية، جامعة المصطفی’ العالمیّة، قم، ايران
الكلمات الرئيسية
Homayoun Saraghi[1]
Muhammad Mahdi Safura'i Parizi[2]
Etymology is one of the apriori discussions in every science. The definition of the family is of double necessity and importance due to its position and as an interdisciplinary subject. Thinkers have presented several definitions of the family based on different approaches. This research, however, tries to define the family based on Islamic sources, including the Holy Qur’an and narrations. In this research, which is carried out using a descriptive and analytical method, Islamic sources are analyzed and eighteen elements are identified as the most effective elements in the definition of family: Making a contract of permanent marital life between a Muslim man and woman, sexuality, children, spouse's child, adopted child, grandparents, peace, affection, sense of responsibility, single housing, man's prudence, provision of livelihood, protection and upbringing. The validity of the content of the mentioned elements was measured by nine experts specializing in Islamic sciences such as psychology, theology, Qur’an, law, religion and history. The documents, according to the experts, approved sixteen of the above elements whereas the documents for the two elements of "permanent" and "adopted child" were not recognized as sufficient. Based on the materials obtained from Islamic sources, the definition of family is as follows: A family is a structure that is established by a contract of marital life between a Muslim man and a woman and based on it, a man and a woman often live with his or her spouse's child or children, grandparents in a single dwelling with peace and love, under the management of man and provision of livelihood by him. Couples are responsible for each other's needs, especially sexual needs, and have a protective and nurturing role for others.
Keywords: Family, definition of family, Holy Qur’an, religious sources
[1]. Department of Qur’an and Psychology, al-Mustafa International University, Qom.
E-mail: h.soraghi@yahoo.com.
[2]. Department of Educational Psychology, Higher Institute for Human Sciences,
al-Mustafa University International University, Qom. (The Corresponding author).
E-mail: safurayi@miu.ac.ir.
القرآن الكریم