نوع المستند : علمية بحثية
1 أستاد مساعد، قسم القرآن والحديث،مجمّع الکوثر للتعلیم العالي، طهران، إیران
2 أستاذ مشارک، قسم القرآن والحديث، جامعة بردیس الفارابي، قم، إيران
3 أستاذ مساعد، قسم الفقه والقانون، مركز أبحاث المرأة والأسرة، قم، إيران
الكلمات الرئيسية
Tahereh Setreg[1]
Mohammad Ali Mahdavi Rad[2]
Majid Dehghan[3]
The present research was conducted to represent the conjugal etiquette in the Holy Qur’an (with emphasis on the course of the revelation of the verses) using a descriptive-analytical method. Relying on legal and moral issues in marriage and paying attention to their frequency and order in the Meccan and Medinan verses, the author has identified a new structure. The inference of this structure was done by relying on the context of the verses and the narrations that interpret them. The results of the research showed that the Qur’anic Surahs have structural and literary connections, including a good beginning, rhyme, simile, literary imagery, common tone and rhythm. The structural and content analysis of the verses showed that the Meccan Surahs in terms of conjugal etiquette have content connections such as planning marriage and evaluating it, considering spouses as a blessing for each other and emphasizing the observance of divine piety by spouses. The Medinan part of the Qur’an has similar verses related to women and conjugal etiquette, which include respecting the material rights of women such as ownership of dowry and inheritance, giving gifts on special occasions such as during divorce, considering the status of a woman as a wife, helping her and supporting her.
Keywords: Conjugal etiquette in the Qur'an, network connection, the way the Qur'an was revealed, Meccan verses, Medinan verses.
[1]. Department of Qur’an and Hadith, University of Qur’an and Hadith, Shahr-Rey, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding author). Email: Tahaset2@gmail.com.
[2]. Department of Qur’an and Hadith, Al-Farabi University, Qom, Iran.
Email: shahidi@ut.ac.ir.
[3]. Department of Law and Jurisprudence, Women and Family Research Center, Qom, Iran. Email: dehghan@wrc.ir.
القرآن الکریم